Frequently Asked Questions

How can I contact my teacher?

Great Question! You are more than welcome to contact the teacher through Seesaw. You can also email our Home Learning email address we will try and respond as quickly as possible. You can also contact the school office.

Do I need to complete everything online?

All information for your child will be online but they are not expected to complete all tasks online. We know that everyone has different resources at home. In this instance the children can complete their tasks on paper and simply upload a picture to Seesaw.

When does my work need to be submitted?

We understand that all of you may have parents that work different jobs and have different access to IT equipment. Please complete as many tasks as possible but please don't feel pressured to finish all of them.

Are there timetables to follow?

All pupils will be provided with a suggested timetable for the week. We all know that our pupils flourish with routine and structure so this may help when learning at home. We understand that this cannot be followed at all times but please try your best.

I'm struggling to login, what should I do?

We have sent all login details via the Seesaw platform. However, if there are any problems please contact who will be more than happy to help you.

How can I look after my Health & Well Being?

This is very important as we will be seeing less people and visiting fewer places. You need to make sure you stay active and your mind stays healthy. Teachers will be encouraging you to take part in different physical activities that you can complete whilst at home. For example we know many of our teachers will be encouraging you to take part in the Body Coach workouts each morning.

What can I do in-between school work?

Although teachers are setting tasks, there are lots of other things you can do whilst at home. For example you could learn how to cook with your parents, play in the garden or even tidy your bedroom!

What can my child do if they have finished their work?

Please see the suggested activities and useful links page on our website. There are live sessions from celebrities and a number of challenges you can complete.